retail technology awards europe

Winner Best Connected Retail Solution 2024
Benetton Group

Valora reta winner 2022

The Benetton Group has enhanced their in-store experience by implementing Cegid Retail, a cloud-native POS and Unified Commerce platform. The aim was to create a seamless omnichannel shopping journey. The solution has been deployed globally to unify sales channels, optimize inventory, and personalize brand interactions. The modular architecture of the solutions has streamlined delivery and simplified complex processes, enhancing agility for retailers. The platform guarantees smooth, secure, and tailored shopping experiences, promoting customer service worldwide. The new system facilitates real-time stock checks and mobile POS on staff smartphones, optimizing sales team efficiency. The project is marking a significant leap forward for Benetton Group’s digital retail strategy.

“Being able to count on a reliable, modern, and scalable solution like Cegid allows us to focus on the digital transformation of our stores, facilitating, for example, the work of our sales teams. It will indeed be possible to leverage all the capabilities of Cegid directly from smartphones, such as real-time stock control, mobile sales or omnichannel processes.”

Marco Moschini, CIO, Benetton Group

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connected retail

Best Connected Retail Solution
Benetton Group

Top Supplier Retail 2024

Top Supplier Retail 2024

  • Cegid