retail technology awards europe

Winner Best Instore Solutions 2023
Marks & Spencer

reta winner 2023 Marks & Spencer

M&S Café has modernised its offer, opening a number of Digital Cafés across the UK with a new ordering process via kiosks and/or smartphones, delivering great service and delicious food and drink for their customers. Working in partnership with Diebold Nixdorf, and Givex for the software, they have introduced quick, engaging, and easy to use digital ordering to reduce queue times, give customers more ordering options, show more detailed product information and ensure a seamless customer experience. A kitchen management system has also been introduced to increase operational efficiency and offer more data for colleagues to ensure the very best customer experience. New food trackers are given to customers, completing the digital journey.

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instore solution

Best Instore Solutions
Marks & Spencer

Top Supplier Retail 2023

Top Supplier Retail 2023

Diebold Nixdorf

Diebold Nixdorf

  • Givex